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Independent Projects are opportunities for students to explore an area of their own particular interest. Working with program leaders, the scope of each student's independent project will be designed to address their individual interests.

While independent projects are experiential, they are also supervised, cooperative, and student progress in them is shared by students during the program's nightly group gatherings. Independent project topics might include:

  • Making and decorating a drum.
  • Constructing a bow and arrow.
  • Learning traditional dances like Salsa and Cumbia.
  • Weaving in the traditional Borucan style.
  • Choosing to stay with a Borucan family.
  • Playing on a local soccer team.
  • Carving animal designs into gourds.
  • Learning how to cook a typical Borucan dish.
  • Studying Borucan farming methods.
  • Conducting interviews with Borucans on topics ranging from soccer to family life and local history.
  • Learning about the role of the church in the village's life.
  • Painting a traditional devil mask.
  • Dying cotton yarn using traditional methods.

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